dhtmlxConnector & NoSQL


What about the support of db like Couchbase (http://www.couchbase.com/) or OrientDB (http://www.orientdb.org) ?

How hard it is trying to adapt dhtmlxConnector to support one of these ?

Connector is created to automate sql generation for common CRUD operations, in case of no-SQL DB - server side is less complex and in many cases implementation without connector will be more clear and simple than ones with connector, so there is no much sense in no-sql connectors.

If i well understood, dhtmlxConnector is not useful when a nosql db is used, so instead of customizing dhtmlxConnector for nosql db, we should directly use our own code for that, am i right ?

What about the integration with DataProcessor ? Is there some documentation resources to achieve that or do we have to look into the dhtmlxConnector code to search how it’s done ?

we should directly use our own code for that, am i right ?

Actually, instead of dataprocessor you can attach custom js code to events and use fully custom logic.
As for dataprocessor - check
docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … gprinciple

lol, the one relying on nosql will lose all dhtmlx main advantages :slight_smile:
I suppose we have to replace global storage by our own code too ? :slight_smile:

Except nosql, do you support a clustered rdbms ? which one ?

Only connector functionality will be lost.
Components are client side, and do not depend on server side code.

Actually in case of json based databases, like mongodb - it possible to load json data from db in component without any extra transformation, so it not so bad for noSQL users.

Yes, Couchbase is also a json based database.
Maybe a tutorial one day may fit the situation and shows how dhtmlx can be use in a nosql approach too.