dhtmlxDataProcessor Unwanted Left Justify On Checkbox Select

I have built a Grid using XML with some columns align=“right” and align=“center” with Text and Checkboxes.

Everything looks fine until I attach the dhtmlxDataProcessor.

Then when I Check A Checkbox everything highlights/bold as usual but every Row Cell/Object also shifts to align=“left”!

The row remains align=“left” whether Checked or not afterwards. Even the Checkboxes shift left.

How do I stop this realignment behavior on Selection?

It seems that you are using older version of grid and latest version of dataprocessor, right? ( original grid 2.0 and dataprocessor 2.1 )
In such case you can use attached patch, it will restore correct behavior ( not necessary for grid 2.1 )

patch.zip (585 Bytes)

Please be specific. Patch it how? Add to what file in which folder?

Just add js file, attached to previous post, on the page after other js files, no any changes to existing code necessary.
The location of patch file is doesn’t matter as well, while it correctly included in page.

An error was thrown saying that “dhtmlXGridObject” is undefined.

This patch must be included after dhtmlxgrid.js: