dhtmlxForm and input with autocomplete

want to make something like with autocomplete…
Basically it would make suggestion when user types to the input.

I have tried dhtmlxCombo with form, but it works just like select - there is pair (value, text)
and when user writes into combo box some unvalid value (which is not listed in combo box options) it will send NULL on server.

I have tried to make some onSubmit script which would add word to the option list and then change value of comboBox… But it is complicated…

Is there any better way, how to do it?


and when user writes into combo box some unvalid value (which is not listed in combo box options) it will send NULL on server.

please try to use the attached file instead of the original. It’ll solve the issue
dhtmlxform_item_combo.zip (1.16 KB)