we have dhtmlxForm with a few fields on the screen;
a few of them are changed by custom events during input;
i.e. there is this function to change the input value to uppercase
function ChkUpper(thisObj)
now I input the data, the functions are correctly called, and the data are correctly change on the screen;
i.e. I have field “Cognome” value “ROSSI” (original input was “rossi”), field “Nome” value “GIOVANNI” (original input was “giovanni”) and field “Data_Nascita” value “10/02/1967” (original input was “10.2.67”);
so everything seems to be correct on the screen;
data are now sent:
when I get the data sent to the server, I was really surprised that they were not the data I see on the screen, but these were the data of my originally input;
so I see on the request.form
how is this possible? are there 2 different arrays? data seen on the input form and
data sent to the server?
shouldn’t I change the value of the input fields by change just the “value” of the object?
I’m not really sure, but I’ve been using dhtmlxform for a long time now, and it seems to me as this problem got out just by installing the latest version (but it could be just an impression)
somebody knows the solution to this?