dhtmlxGantt Markers on ExportToPDF

How can I display Markers (eg. Today) in PDF export?
I am using header css styles in export to pdf to make it look like i want to, its showing ok but markers are not visible.
When I try raw:true (option in gantt.exportToPNG) PDF returned is empty.


Yes, you need set ‘raw:true’ in gantt.exportToPDF method.
Please check the example, it works as expected:

We need to reproduce your issue to have the opportunity understand the cause of it.

After a detailed analysis I came to conclusion that the problem is in the outdated Docker image of Export to PDF/PNG for Gantt and Scheduler.

We purchased the Local Export module some time ago so it can be hosted on our server. Looks like an update was made to it in the meantime (I couldn’t find any info on your site). Where can we get the updated Docker image of Local Export module?