dhtmlxGrid and Rails Applications (specifically Prototype.js

Forgive me for asking this a third time, but no response has been given for the prior to requests.

I have ran into difficulties in using the latest update to dhtmlXGrid
Pro (1.4) with Rails applications when there is a radio button
(type=“ra”) in the grid.  I can reproduce the error by taking one of
the supplied sample grids and including the prototype, effects,
dragdrop and controls javascripts that are core to any Rails
application.  The error returned seems to be triggered by the
javascript for/in statements over the rowsAr array within the
forEachRow function.  If I am using a grid with 2 rows and I echo out
the this.rowsAr.length I get the proper number of rows, however the
for/in statement sets the counter a to 0, 1 and then the string ‘each’.

have found references on the internet as to how the Prototype library
overrides basic Javascript objects (in this case Arrays), but the
arguments were split as to whether Prototype broke anything or whether
people are using the for/in statement incorrectly.  To get around this
I have modified the for/in statement to be of the for (init;
expression; increment) style.  I only did this for the one function
that my grids were utilizing, however I did notice that there are other
for/in statements within the libraries and I am concerned about other features not working.  Will there be a patch for this
or is it the developer’s opinion that the problem is truly within the
Prototype libraries?