In our application, we have lets say “layout.aspx” as Basepage. In it we have created a Layout whose cell(b) is an Accordian. The Accordian has 5 cells each of which contain a dhtmlx grid attahced like MyGrid = Accord.cells(“b1”).attachGrid();
I have to disable right click in our application. I have been able to do it in most of the aspx pages and dhtmlxgrids, but have failed in this particular structure.
I have set MyGrid.enableContextMenu(new dhtmlXMenuObject(null)); for this grid which works fine for the grid part of the Accordian. But for the white blank region below the grid but inside the Accordian cell, the right click is still firing.
On debugging, i found that on right click, the grid oncontextmenu is firing instead of the document.oncontextmenu that i have written for aspx pages.
So even though i click on the empty “layout.aspx” section of the accordian, it fires the grid.oncontextmenu event. In this it searches for the parent of the event(which is layout.aspx). This parent does not contain any ‘idd’ assigned to it so the event returns true and the menu appears.
I hope i have managed to explain this issue satisfactorily. Nevertheless, I can provide more details if needed.
I do not wish to make any change in the dhtmlx library myself. Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks.