Is it possible to have a grid inside a layout cell and then parse a javascript array into the grid, as per the code below:
var dhxLayout, dhxGrid;
var arrData = new Array[['MC001','Material 1', '163'],['MC002','Material 2', ''],['MC003','Material 3', '21'],['MC004','Material 4', '4'],['MC005','Material 5', '2x4'],['MC001','Material 1', '673']];
function OnLoad() {
dhxLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject("parentDiv", "2U");
dhxGrid = dhxLayout.cells("a").attachGrid();
dhxGrid.setHeader("MatCode, MatDesc, MatSize");
At the moment, with that code, I seem to get the grid inside the layout, but I just get a grey header, with no columns and no data.