dhtmlxGrid before and after context menu events

Hi Gang.

I am using the grid pro edition.

I have a context menu attached (see below).

I am using the onBeforeContextMenu event to set the row of the grid bold before it pops the context menu to re-enforce to the user what they clicked on.

function onContextMenu(rowID, celIndex, grid) {

dhxGrid.setRowTextStyle(rowID, “font-weight:bold;”);

//if (celIndex == 1) return false;

return true;


I would want to set the text back to unbolded once the context menu disapears whether they clicked on something or not.

What is the most effective way to do this?

I want to do something like this…

function outContextMenu(rowID, celIndex, grid) {

dhxGrid.setRowTextStyle(rowID, “font-weight:normal;”);

//if (celIndex == 1) return false;

return true;


Thanks in advance.


    //Context Menu

    dhxGridMenu = new dhtmlXMenuObject();



    dhxGridMenu.attachEvent(“onClick”, onButtonClick);


//Main Grid

dhxGrid = dhxLayout.cells(“b”).attachGrid();

dhxGrid.attachEvent(“onRowSelect”, doOnRowSelected);

dhxGrid.attachEvent(“onBeforeContextMenu”, onContextMenu);

//dhxGrid.attachEvent(“onAfterContextMenu”, outContextMenu);


    dhxGrid.setDateFormat("%d %b %Y");

    //Attach the right click menu





//Turn off extra context menu

    dhtmlxEvent(dhxGrid.entBox, “contextmenu”, function(e) {

     (e || event).cancelBubble = true

     return false;


Unfortunately dhtmlxGrid has no such event. You can use dhtmlxMenu’s event to define when item was clicked or showed. Please find more information here dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxM … menu_jxhf5