dhtmlxGrid - Changing Selected Cell Styles

How do you change the text color or text style on one cell or a series of cells with an event handler such as onMouseOver?

Is there a onMouseDown event for a selected cell?

Thanks in advance for your help.

How do you change the text color or text style on one cell or a series of cells with an event handler such as onMouseOver?

Basically, you can use code similar to next
var old="";
       var cell=grid.cells(id,ind).cell;
       if (cell!=old){
          if (old) old.className="";
          cell.className=“cell_under_mouse”;   // assign any custom styles to cell under mouse
     return true;

>>Is there a onMouseDown event for a selected cell?
There is no special “onMouseDown”, but you can use use onRowSelect

     if (id== grid.getSelectedId() && ind==grid.getSelectedCellIndex() ) alert(“selected cell was clicked”);
    return true;

The code works great for a single cell, but how would I change the style for a group of cells onMouseOver of a single cell?

One, Can I avoid looping thru all the cells to update the class of the grouped cells.

Two, can I change the color attribute of the class (as opposed to changing the class for each cell in the group)?

style for a group of cells onMouseOver of a single cell
The grid provides API to set some style to all rows in some cell, but there is no support for group processing any other kind of cell groups.

>>One, Can I avoid looping thru all the cells to update the class of the grouped cells.
In common case, you will need to loop through all rows (  dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dht … _grid.html )

>>Two, can I change the color attribute of the class (as opposed to changing the class for each cell in the group)?
Basically you can change the style property directly
Please beware that color set in such manner will override the color of selected row|cell