Not able to sort the dhtmlxgrid column by clicking column headers for string columns. It works fine for integer columns but not working fine for string columns.
And also when we do custom sorting for string columns also not working.
below is the code for sorting the dhtmlxgrid columns:
Unfortunately the issue is cannot be reproduced locally.
If the problem still occurs for you, please, provide with a complete demo, where the issue can be reconstructed.
Here you can find a tutorial about creating a demo: … pport.html
We have attached the demo part where the issue was replicating. we have the below 2 files for the issue.
Index.html - DhtmlxGrid contains lower & upper case string data columns(By clicking the column header , Sorting not happend properly)
2.Default.aspx - Dhtmlxgrid contains hyperlink string data columns(By clicking the column header is not working, Sorting not happend properly)
Let me know if you need more information regarding this.
Thanks for your support.
code & xml file is attached in the demo. Please check first name,last name & category1 columns for your testing. (4.76 KB)
In your provided demo I can only the “my_demo.sln”, which have no any useful information about your sample.
Please, provide with a complete demo, where the problem can be reproduced. … pport.html
NOTE: almost all inbuilt sorting types sort the column by the values of the cells. You can check the value of your cell calling the getVaue() method:
Visual studio solution file is zipeed and sent across .Sorry for the inconvenience. Please find the attached updated demo file.
Kindly do the needful.
Index.html - DhtmlxGrid contains lower & upper case string data columns(By clicking the column header , Sorting not happend properly)
2.Default.aspx - Dhtmlxgrid contains hyperlink string data columns(By clicking the column header is not working, Sorting not happend properly) (484 KB)
Unfortunately each browser parse the html-content in a different way.
In your situtation it is recommended to create your own custom sorting type for such complex values.
Here you can find a tutorial: … ngfunction
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