DHTMLXGrid glitch


We are using DHTMLX grid to display one of our project search. Unfortunately for some particular searches, two or more projects are merged together and displays as if its single project. I have created a sample project and prepared two XML files, one with limited search details and another with the actual result. The sample project loads both the XML files in two grids and scroll to the bottom to understand the issue. Also prepared a issue description image file, please refer to it.

Compressed the sample project and Image file and attached herewith. I hope, this issue occurs when the row id matches with the actual project id. So we need to make some changes with the DHTMLXgrid code file.

I’m not sure anyone reported this DHTMLXGrid glitch earlier, if not, it would be helpful to fix in DHTMLX code. Please let me know if you have any questions.

DHTMLXGrid search result issue.rar (284 KB)