dhtmlxgrid link does not work in ie

i have dhtmlxgird with


but the link action href does not work in ie but works in FF

this is the code onrow select event

grid.attachEvent(“onRowSelect”, function(rowId, col ){

if ( col == 1 ) {

if ( hrefClicked == true ) {

hrefClicked = false;

for ( var i = 0; i < grid.getRowsNum(); i++ ) {

        if ( grid.getRowId(i) != null && grid.cells(grid.getRowId(i),1).getValue() == ‘Failure to Send Results’ && grid.cellByIndex(i,5).getValue() == rowId) {

        location = “<c:url value=”/crimIfnTasks/nodeReview.do?nodeId="/>" + rowId;


        else if( grid.getRowId(i) != null && grid.cells(grid.getRowId(i),1).getValue() == ‘Manual Reroute’ && grid.cellByIndex(i,5).getValue() == rowId) {

        location = “<c:url value=”/crimIfnTasks/manualRerouteTask.do?taskId="/>" + rowId + “&ifnRequestId=” + grid.cellByIndex(i,6).getValue();






If cell has “link” format after you clicking on the link “onRowSelect” event doesn’t fired. You can set function wich should executed by clicking on the link in the xml:

Real link^javascript:doSomething()^_self

or you can implement your custom eXcell type. Please see more information here dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dht … #grid_cexc

how does the same code work on FF…but not in IE

We can’t reproduce this problem locally. Please provide us sample where this issue occurs.