I would like to change the look of dhtmlxgrid in the following way, can you please let me know where to change it?
1. Select only the first cell like Windows Explorer. (current grid will select the whole row).
2. make the grid lines invisible like windows explorer.
3. How to merge the 1st & 2nd column. Right now I can merge 2nd & 1st. i.e. If I specify 1st column value as #cspan it doesn’t work, It works only in the 2nd place.
4. I have a column of values with file size in the 3rd column like in windows explorer. When I sort the values doesn’t come in sorted order. How to achive it?.
1 - you can remove css rules for selected row, so while grid still thinks that row selected - it will not be marked visually.
div.gridbox table.obj tr.rowselected td.cellselected, div.gridbox table.obj td.cellselected {
2 - make the grid lines invisible like windows explorer.
based on skin, for moder or light - you can just disable alter-css mode, for other skins you may need to change the css class of the cell
div.gridbox table.obj td {
border: 1px solid;
border-color : white Gray Gray white;
>>3. How to merge the 1st & 2nd column.
Unfortunately this is the only way to define colspans in header.
>>How to achive it?.
You can define custom sorting function. Or define custom excell , so while rendering formated data, grid was able to operate with it as primitive type.
dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxG … #grid_cexc
Thanks for the answers. Is there is any possibility of simulating the icon in the grid to look like faded icon if the user press ctrl+x?(in windows explorer, if you do a cut, the icon will fade)
Unfortunately dhtmlxGrid hasn’t such functionality