DHtmlXGrid math cells serialization


I�m using DHtmlXGrid v.2.0 build 81009 with math cells. During serialization of a math cell the calculated value is serialized. By using grid._mathSerialization ( or directly grid. _agetm = �getMathValue� or �getMath�)it�s possible to specify which value should be serialized for the math cells(the calculated value or the formula) . I couldn�t make that work.

I found that the setValue method of the eXcell_math stores the formula into cell.original, but getMath and getMathValue methods (which are supposed to return the formla) use the cell._val (if _val has a value they return it). So the formula is stored in one place but the methods try to return it from another place.

Am I missing something? Is there a way to serialize math cells with formulas (not with calculated values)?

Thanks in advance,

Atanas Koev

Am I missing something? Is there a way to serialize math cells with formulas (not with calculated values)?
Problem confirmed and fixed, please contact us directly if you need a fixed version of file ASAP. ( or just change _val with original in getMathValue )
( the regression caused by update in math in dhtmlxgrid 1.6 and later, serialization of math is pretty rare functionality , so it sliped through our testing somehow )