I’m using math formulas in a grid. This functionality works grate if the column movement is disabled.
If the column movement is enabled the math functionality does not work correctly. This is because the indexes of the columns (not the columns’ ids) are used to construct the formula (for example [=c1+c2] ,where 1 and 2 are column indexes). If the colum is moved its index is changed and the formula is broken.
Is there a way to setup the math functionality to use the column’s ids (not indexes)?
Or at least a way to fix the formula after a column has been moved
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Atanas Koev
Is there a way to setup the math functionality to use the column’s ids (not indexes)?
Instead of
you can use
where alfa and betta - column IDs ( any sequence started from “:” will be treated as column ID