Setting splitAt(>0) and clicking a non-frozen column header sorts and shows the (asc) sorted image. If previous to this one of the frozen columns had been clicked/sorted, this action properly clears the sorted image from it. However, if after clicking/sorting a non-frozen column you click back on a frozen column header, it will sort and show the sorted image there but it will not clear the sorted image from the previously sorted non-frozen column. Hope that makes sense.
Anyhow, to overcome this I modified the function attached to the onAfterSorting event in dhtmlxgrid_splt.js to include an else clause on the check for whether i (the column index) is >= ind (the number of frozen columns). This else clause clears the sorted image from the frozen column. So, instead of this:
if (i>=ind)
It now reads:
if (i>=ind)
This will probably suffice for us for now, but I would like to hear your thoughts.
Thanks in advance.
Issue already fixed in latest dev. version, fix will be released as part of oncoming update. Please contact us directly at if you need an update ASAP
The solution which you have provided use different approach, but seems stable enough, and must not cause any side effects.