DhtmlxGrid problem displaying table in Firefox

Hi, I have a problem in firefox displaying tables with dhtmlxGrid.

Cells are not align with header, ie shows it ok, but in firefox cells are shown a little displaced to the left.


|  header1  | header 2  | header 3       |


| cell1     |    cell2   |  cell3     |


|  cell1    |   cell2    |  cell3     |



More or less this is the result table, excuse “picture”. If needed i’ll upload an image with the table


here is the code that formats the table:

public function ConvertirJava%>
  <script  src=“componentes/dhtmlxGrid/js/dhtmlXCommon.js”>
  <script  src=“componentes/dhtmlxGrid/js/dhtmlXGrid.js”>
  <script  src=“componentes/dhtmlxGrid/js/dhtmlXGridCell.js”>
  <script  src=“componentes/dhtmlxGrid/js/dhtmlXGrid_start.js”>
 <%end function


Thanks in advance


What version of dhtmlxGrid do you use?

Please provide screenshot or sample including files which you use to initialize grid.

Also mygrid.setSkin(“op”); is “op” custom grid’s sking? If yes, try to set native grid’s skin and check if issue will still occur.

Native skin has solved the aligment of cells with header, but the table does not fit 100% to the with of page neither in firefox nor in IE, both screenshots are included. Original table does fit to 100%

I’ve tried both v1.5 build 71114 and v.2.0 build 81009 with same result

this is source code that creates initial table:

  <%'mostramos el nombre de las columnas
  for x=0 to listacampos.count-1
   if not ocultarIds or claves(x)<>id  then
   end if
  <%while not rslistado.eof%>
  <%for x=0 to listacampos.count-1
   if not ocultarIds or claves(x)<>id  then
   'response.write “”&rslistado(claves(x))&“
    if listacampos(claves(x)).esforanea=false then%>
     set rsforanea=formu.rsescritura(listacampos(claves(x)).conexionforanea,listacampos(claves(x)).sqlforanea)
     if rsforanea.recordcount>0 then
     'response.write rsforanea.fields(0).name&“=”&rslistado(claves(x))
      rsforanea.find (rsforanea.fields(0).name&“=”&rslistado(claves(x)))
      if not rsforanea.eof then valor=rsforanea(1)
     end if%>
    set rsforanea=nothing
    end if%>
   <%end if

     if isnull(valor) or valor=“” then valor=“–”
     if valor=true  then
     elseif valor=False then
     end if
     response.write valor
<%if valor=null or valor=“” then valor=“–”
     '*** prevenir errores por numeros con comas ********
     if not isnull(valor) then
      if isnumeric(replace(valor,“,”,“.”)) then valor=replace(valor,“,”,“.”) 
     end if
     response.write valor

Any ideas?