
I have four queries mentioning as following

1.How to change the color of rows based on condition while loading data to grid.

2.How to get Grid with subgrid in Extended Modes, could u please provide .js files for it

3.In extended Modeas Ungroup and regroup , could u please provide .js files for it

4.Split Mode for grid . could u please provide .js files for it

1.How to change the color of rows based on condition while loading data to grid.
Can be done in two ways
a) load grid , and after loading ittterate through all rows ( forEachRow ), and change their color ( setRowColor ) based on conditions
b) you can use onRowCreated event, which will be called for each row, and uset setRowColor to change color when necessary

>>.How to get Grid with subgrid in Extended Modes
Not sure, what do you mean. You can load grid with sub-grids and use js API to open necessary rows ( grid.cells(i,j).open(); )

>>.In extended Modeas Ungroup and regroup
Grouping can’t be applied to the grid with sub-rows or sub-grids

>>4.Split Mode for grid . could u please provide .js files for it
PRO package contains all necessary js files