dhtmlXGridFromtable checkbox value


We are using the professional version of the grid, and we are having a problem putting a check box column in a grid built from a html table.

Is there any known issue regarding this?

Which are the js files we have to use in our page in order to be able to put a checkbox in a grid?

(we have dhtmlXGrid_excell_acheck.js file in our page)

Which are the js files we have to use in our page in order to be able to put a checkbox in a grid?
If you mean default checkbox (ch) you need not dhtmlXGrid_excell_acheck.js file
By default grid just copy existing HTML as values ( to increase performance ) , if you use excells whcih need to be reformated ( such as ch, where text value need to be replaced with checkbox ) - you need to add additional attribute to table tag

<table forceCellTypes=“true” …
    … some content …

forceCellTypes attribute switch grid to mode where each cell will be reformated before rendering, so it will show correctly checkbox cells