Where can alter the code to correct the formatting of the last columns.
When I use:
mygrid = new dhtmlXGridFromTable(‘gridbox’);
combined with:
and colspan?
I’m not sure what do you mean by "formatting of last column"
The transformation, which converts HTML data into grid row implemented in dhtmlxgrid_start.js , _process_html_row method
About: “I’m not sure what do you mean by “formatting of last column””.
I already sent the subject previously.
Enclosed it follows an example of the problem.
In IE - Error in the last column of the rows of total. (no aligned correctly and bgcolor incorrect)
In FF (3.0) - Error in the totality.
Test.zip (59.2 KB)
As it was mentioned earlier - while importing data from HTML table, grid takes values of table cell, but doesn’t take the color|align settings of individual rows.
So, in provided sample, all data taken correctly, but color and align are column based, and defined by settings of first row in table ( header row )
Any change of existing behavior will require a seriou code modification.