dhtmlxLayout does not set width or height

Hello all,

I’m trying do set width or height on a layout cell object. Nothing happens.

I’m creating the object as follow:

this.layTabRecursos = this.tabRecursosProjeto.attachLayout({
pattern: ‘2U’,
skin: self.config.skin,
id: ‘a’,
text: ‘Recursos do projeto’,
width: 270
id: ‘b’,
text: ‘Recursos disponíveis’,

Using DHTMLX version dhtmlxSuite v.5.1.0 Enterprise, the ‘a’ cell does not have your width resized. This piece of code was working in DHTMLX 4.0.3 Enterprise.

And this is what happens when using DHTMLX 5.1.0.

I tried to use


after constructor line without success…

How to solve it?

Best regards.


Unfortunately the problem cannot be reconstructed locally.
Could you please, provide a complete demo or share a demo link, where the problem can be reconstructed locally.
Here you can find a tutorial about creating a complete demo:
docs.dhtmlx.com/tutorials__auxi … pport.html

Hello all,

I found what happens when attaching layout on a tabbar. I was creating the tabs like this:

----- 8< -----

this.tabbar = this.layoutCellTabbar.attachTabbar({
skin: this.config.skin,
mode: ‘top’,
align: ‘left’,
close_button: false,
tabs: [
id: ‘tabDadosProjeto’,
text: ‘Dados do projeto’,
active: false
id: ‘tabValoresProjeto’,
text: ‘Valores’,
active: false,
disabled: false
id: ‘tabRecursosProjeto’,
text: ‘Recursos’,
active: false
id: ‘tabCalendario’,
text: ‘Calendário’,
active: false
id: ‘tabWorkflowProjeto’,
text: ‘Workflow’,
active: false
id: ‘tabOutrasOpcoesProjeto’,
text: ‘Outras configurações’,
active: false

----- >8 -----

After I change one of that tabs to active, layout attached at tab starts to render as expected.

Just that.

Thank you.

Could you please, provide a complete demo or share a demo link, where the problem can be reconstructed locally.
Here you can find a tutorial about creating a complete demo:
docs.dhtmlx.com/tutorials__auxi … pport.html