When I use :
dhxLayout.attachEvent(‘onCollapse’, function resize(){mygrid1.setSizes();mygrid2.setSizes();mygrid3.setSizes();});
dhxLayout.attachEvent(‘onExpand’, function resize(){mygrid1.setSizes();mygrid2.setSizes();mygrid3.setSizes();});
I’ve no problem
But if I use :
dhxLayout.attachEvent(‘onResizeFinish’, function resize(){mygrid1.setSizes();mygrid2.setSizes();mygrid3.setSizes();});
Nothing happens when I move manually the lines to resizing areas.
I’m using a 3E layout.
"onResizeFinish" is an external resize catcher (for example when layout is attached to window and window was resized)
if you need to catch panel resizing try “onPanelResizeFinish” event