dhtmlXLayoutObject is not defined


I imported the library dhtmlxlayout_pattern4j.js.
If I include the js this order:



I got:
ReferenceError: dhtmlXLayoutObject is not defined

…olspan=“3”/><cell obj=“b” wh=“1,3” resize=“ver” neighbors=“a;b;c,d” c…

dhtmlxlayout_pattern4j.js (riga 8)

Even with the error I’m able to load the layout when called.

If I switch the order the error disappear but I’m not unable to load the layout:

var layout; var layout = dhxWins.attachLayout('4J'); var cellCustMeeting = layout.cells('b'); cellCustMeeting.setText('Clienti');

ypeError: cellCustMeeting is null

I can avoid the error?
Thanks in advance


what version of layout?

I’m using the full std v4.
I noticed from the documentation that the layou 4j it’s included into the suite, differently from version 3.6.

I just commented the import of the dhtmlxlayout_pattern4j.js and everything started to work fine.

thanks sam