DHTMLXMenu ToolTip

I am constructing a dhtmlxmenu object and populating it completely thro script. How do I achieve the following ?

1. Changing the image on mouse hover for the main menu item (sibling)?

2.How do i set a tool tip for only the main menu item(not the child items)?


You can try to change image as follows



tooltips can be defined in the xml using the following method:

some tooltip

I am not populating the menu using xml… doing it thro script …
var menu = new dhtmlXMenuObject(‘xyz’,‘clear_silver’);   
            menu.imgURL = “<%=appName%>/tpc/dhtmlx/dhtmlxMenu/codebase/imgs/”;
        menu.addNewSibling(null, “file”, “”, false,“timeicon.gif”);

does not display the tooltip.
however alert(menu.getTooltip(“file”)) returns the correct tooltip. The display is missing


the issue wasn’t reproduced locally. Please, try to use the latest menu version (attached file).

If the problem still occurs, please provide the sample where we can re-create it.

Can you please attach the file ?

Sorry, the file is attached
dhtmlxmenu.zip (17.3 KB)

Replaced it with the attached file. Now the menu creation itself is throwing a js error- object expected :

var menu = new dhtmlXMenuObject(“divid”,“clear_silver”);

divid is the id of teh container div ! what could be the problem ?

The possible reason for the problem is using some old version of the dhtmlxcommon.js (the latest 2.1 is attached).

dhtmlxcommon.zip (5.98 KB)