dhtmlxmessage specify default button

I’m using dhtmlxmessage to generate a confirm window before deleting records. Currently dhtmlxmessage returns true when the enter/return button is pressed, for a delete confirm window I’d rather have enter/return be fail safe, therefore, it should return false. It would be nice if dhtmlxmessage had an option to specify the default button for a confirm window so that the behavior when pressing enter/return could be customized.


You can alter message js, line 20

  callback(_dhx_msg_cfg, true);


  callback(_dhx_msg_cfg, (_dhx_msg_cfg.defaultValue === false ? false : true));

which will add support for

dhtmlx.confirm({ text:"some", defaultValue:false, callback:myfunction);

Thanks Stanislav this is exactly what I was looking for.
