dhtmlxScheduler calendar event tag resize

i want resize the event body size, for that i changed like this,

.dhx_cal_event .dhx_body {
// height: 52px;;
border-width: 0 1px 1px 1px;;
padding: 5px;

But this is not working, if i changed title height it’s changing only title column.

.dhx_cal_event .dhx_title {
height: 12px;;

so now i want change the body height , width how i can change?

Once check out this class .dhx_cal_container { Increase the height in dthmlxschedular.css

Sorry for the previous reply You should apply your style dhx_month_body


thank you for your reply. It's not working, check the image in that i circled a particular part. i want re size that part only. i tried to change body of the event. but it's not changing the height, i checked dhtmlxScheduler.css file. Not yet find the solution.

This is the css class for the event body tag
.dhx_cal_event .dhx_body {
border-width: 0 1px 1px 1px;;
padding: 5px;
if i given height inside means nothing changes is going on. if change padding it’s applying. can any help me
