DHTMLxScheduler error upon double click

Hello, I am currently using DHTMLxScheduler 4.1 in a ASP.Net MVC5 application.

After adding an event to the scheduler, I am unable to open the light box to check the details of the said event (scheduler.config.details_on_dblclick = true;). Furthermore, the native tooltip does not show for this freshly created event as well.

I get an error saying “Cannot read property ‘end_date’ of undefined” (and for start_date).

this is the case whether I create an event using the native “double click on empty space” method, or using my own external Drag N Drop function.

Eventually, i save my events to XML, and upon the next load, I read form the XML, to re-add the events, after this, I am able to dbl click to view details.

these are some of the functions concerning creation of the event.


 $(".drag").draggable( {
            revert: true,
            cursor: "move",
            helper: 'clone',
            appendTo: "#scheduler_here",

        // What happens when dropping an element into scheduler
            enable: true,
            accept: ".drag",
            drop: function(event, ui) {

                var taskInfo = ui.draggable.attr("id").split(/[,]+/);
                var sColor = setEventColor(taskInfo[1]);

                var info = scheduler.getActionData(event);

                alert(info.date + " " + info.section);
                    start_date: info.date,
                    end_date: info.date,
                    engineer_id: info.section,
                    text: taskInfo[0],
                    id: taskInfo[0],
                    status: taskInfo[1],
                    customer: taskInfo[2],
                    number: taskInfo[4],
                    category: taskInfo[3],
                    color: sColor

Scheduler Events

scheduler.attachEvent("onClick", function (id, e){
        var key = $(e.target).attr('event_id');

        if(key != undefined)
            // Zoom into pin on Bing Maps

    scheduler.attachEvent("onEventAdded", function(id,ev){

        updatePin(ev.text, ev.status);
        ev.id = ev.text;

    scheduler.attachEvent("onEventChanged", function(id,ev){
        var key = ev.text;
        var status = ev.status;

        ev.color = setEventColor(status);

        updatePin(ev.text, ev.status);

This forum has been very helpful in the past, I appreciate all your time and help!

in onEventAdded you replace the event.id with the text of this event. Direct modification of the id can will lead to incorrect state of the calendar’s data.

[code] scheduler.attachEvent(“onEventAdded”, function(id,ev){

    updatePin(ev.text, ev.status);
    ev.id = ev.text;

If you need to modify the id, use scheduler.changeEventId method

docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api__s … entid.html

Thank you very much @Aliaksandr.

I will try the proposed solution the next time I work on the application.
sometimes we just need a second opinion to fix something that is so simple to see, thanks for being that second opinion.