dhtmlxScheduler Error

ERROR in src/app/app.module.ts(7,36): error TS2306: File ‘…/src/app/components/scheduler.component.ts’ is not a module.

ERROR in src/app/components/scheduler.component.ts(6,17): error TS2306: File '../node_modules/@types/dhtmlxscheduler/index.d.ts' is not a module.

src/app/components/scheduler.component.ts(6,17): error TS6137: Cannot import type declaration files. Consider importing 'dhtmlxscheduler' instead of '@types/dhtmlxscheduler'.

Angular 8.2
TypeScript 3.5.3


Unfortunately, we don’t have a demo for Scheduler with Angular v8. Probably this topic with similar errors will be helpful for you

I tried this same thing in Angular V8 but its not working and generating same issue.
thank for your support Polina.