dhtmlxScheduler for Wordpress 1.3 doesn't work??

I’ve tried about everything to get dhtmlxScheduler for Wordpress 1.3 to work. I’m using Wordpress v.2.9.2, the plugin loads up on my webpage. The users’ rights work as well (or so I’m guessing for if I restrict everyone but admin it comes up as a normal calendar without the ability to add if you aren’t the admin).

However, regardless of the settings whenever I try to add a new Event I click on the day of the month where I want to add an event and the box pops up. I add my information into the box and click save. The problem is nothing shows up when I refresh as if it didn’t save. I do not have “Show blog posts as events” checked so it SHOULD BE using the installed MySQL database. I’ve tried giving everyone rights to add events and that didn’t work either. I even tried using the debugger and was returned no error or verbose of any kind as if there was no error.

After researching further I realized when looking in the MySQL database nothing was being save in wp_events_rec. Not sure why it’s not saving to the database which the plugin automatically installed. I looked and looked for an answer both on this website, as well as:

docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … :wordpress

I tried, or so I thought, every suggestion to get it working and I have yet solved the issue. Can someone please help?? Any suggestions at this point would be greatly appreciated, I’m pulling my hair out on this one. :slight_smile:

Thank you.

P.S. Btw, I also tried quite a few other versions of Wordpress (2.8.5 was one version) and also tried using dhtmlxScheduler for Wordpress 1.2.1 to no avail as well.

Do you have some kind of demo link , where issue can be checked? ( you can send a PM with it )

I too am having the Same Problem,
I have tried all the fixes and noticed it is not showing up in the Database,
I did try adding it straight into the data base and it does show up on the calendar.
I have tried it on an active website and my new website which I hope to have go active soon, but need the calendar to be working before I do.
Any Help would be great ly appreciated.
I am using as of this moment the most latest versions of all the Scheduler, Wordpress, MySQL.

Unfortunately we can’t reconstruct issue locally. Plugin works correctly. So it must be something specific to your installation. If possible - provide link to the problematic page, so it will be possible how it works in your case. ( just a http link , for the problematic page )

Here is the link
wcpl.org/wordpress/?page_id= … mode=month

Server returns error for data saving operation, as expected. If you will enable debug mode ( in settings of component ) - it will be possible to see the exact reason of the problem.


I’ve also put on debug mode. Please tell me where the file is that the debug errors show up on. If this is suppose to be in the interface, I get no debug comment.

Also, here is another interesting thing… when I go to this link on your website adding an event doesn’t work either:

dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dht … demo.shtml

Again, when I go to that live demo link I posted right above this I can not add an event. Go figure.

Try to update events_rec.php, in plugins folder, with attached php file.

It seems that problem is related to the settings of mysql DB, with updated file - all must work correctly.

That demo hasn’t any saving logic at all.

I can’t find the attached file… I even looked in my inbox. Was the file not attached or am I missing something??

Here, the updated php file.
events_rec.zip (1.32 KB)

Unfortunately, I downloaded the file and nothing happened. Still the same thing as before. Like I said earlier nothing is being put in the event_rec database.

Is there anything else I can try. I can put up a new test site and give you full access to it if that will help??

I have always tried to use the default theme as well with every fix, none of that sames to make a difference.

I have not any clues as well, log states

INSERT INTO wp_events_rec(start_date,end_date,text) VALUES (‘2010-04-03 21:00’,‘2010-04-08 00:00’,‘New event’)

Edit operation finished 0 => action:error;

As for me - SQL query is fully correct and must not cause any problems.

Where can I see the log??? Might sound like a goofy question but I just want to make sure I know where to look for this log.

Funny enough when I do the following MySQL query statement:

INSERT INTO wp_events_rec(start_date,end_date,text) VALUES (‘2010-04-03 21:00’,‘2010-04-08 00:00’,‘New event’)

I get an error which states: “Field ‘rec_type’ doesn’t have a default value”

What do you make of this???

(Btw, this is with the new events_rec.php file.)

ALSO, I found the log life in the plugin directory. There sure enough it state the error is 0, meaning there is no error. However, if I CAN’T go into the query analyzer and get the same error zero I am a little bit lost how that is possible.

Ok, I need to know what is support to go into these 3 fields by default:


Just an example will do, for right now I have no clue what usually goes in each of these three fields.

Log file is stored in plugin’s folder ( same folder where rec_event.php is stored )