dhtmlxScheduler Problem load in IE

Hi, i have a problem with IE, when scheduler load don´t show the date, but if click in any day or arrows of navigation yes show the data, what it´s the problem, in firefox works fine.





Jorge Arzuaga

If issue still occurs for you - please provide any kind of sample or demo link where it can be reconstructed.

The next is the example… what is doing bad? thanks for all… Jorge Arzuaga















Code looks correct , and must not cause any issues

Please try to update it in the next way

a) change

scheduler.setCurrentView(new Date(),“month”);


scheduler.setCurrentView(new Date(),“month”);

loading is async. and with updated syntax, command will be called exactly after data loading.

b) in current version, onEventAdded event may fire when event loaded from xml, which is not necessary in your case.

scheduler.attachEvent(“onEventAdded”, function(event_id,event_object){
if (this._loading) return true; //this line need to be added
start_date = scheduler.getEvent(event_id).start_date;

Yes, its works… thank you very much.