dhtmlxScheduler: Problems with changing language in Joomla

Hi all,

I’ve installed this nice component for one of my customers Joomla 1.5.25 page, but I’m having problems changing english language to my native in the frontend. I’ve translated the locale.js file into my language, changed it to locale_si.js, and uploded via FTP to the specified folder, using this recommendation:

But this didn’t work, as I still have the frontend in english language.

So, if anybody could help or provide me with any usefull info, I would be very, very gratefull!!!

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

have you added code into scheduler_include.html?
Please, make sure that you replaced {sitename} to your real site url here:

<script src="{sitename}/components/com_scheduler/codebase/locale/locale_si.js"></script>

If still doesn’t work could you provide url to scheduler page?