dhtmlxSlider license question


We’re interested in using your dhtmxSlider component within our commercial product’s web application interface.

I’m not clear from the license wording on this page whether we can use your component:


Specifically, the restriction:

The Licensee is not permitted to distribute the component in any fashion which would promote, encourage, or allow reuse or redistribution of the JavaScript component.

This line implies that we would not be able to include your component within our product - as our product is distributed and installed on customer websites. Does this constitute redistribution? I then looked to see if your Enterprise license would cover this - but if you look at licensing just the dhtmlSlider component - it still says that it is free for use, even under the Enterprise license heading.

Please can you clarify this? We have several other MIT/BSD licensed JavaScript slider components that we could use instead - but we liked the way your component functioned.

Many thanks,


Ben, you can use dhtmlxSlider in your commercial application for free. Just leave the copyright information that is included in the .js files of the component.

Thanks for the feedback. This is good news.
