i have a problem with the Tabbar.
It’s just about the tab section and not about the data area.
Sometimes the text is longer than the width of the tab-header, sometimes it is very short.
It’s difficult to determine the right width so I’m using the same width for all tabs:
Autosize and autoresize seems only to adjust the container size and not the “header section” in which i can select tabs.
So my idea now is to do something like Firefox and display only a part of the tabheader and add …
For example my tab for this site shows:
“DHTML eXtensions - professional …”
instead of full text:
“DHTML eXtensions - professional AJAX components for advanced Web UI - Knowledge Base”
On moving over the tab with my mouse the full title is shown in a box.
So my questions:
1) Is there any possibility to adjust tab header width to tabtext-length
if not:
2) Is there an example of the behaviour described above (like Firefox does)?
Thanks for your help!
>> Is there any possibility to adjust tab header width to tabtext-length
you can set * as a width. In this case the tab will be automatically resized:
>> Is there an example of the behaviour described above (like Firefox does)?
there is not a ready solution. But you can place html as a tab content, for example span tag with the necessary title inside.
Problem is that I’m using dhxtabbar.enableTabCloseButton(true);
So Tabs are wide enough for text (could be 1-2px more) but the close button overlays with the end of the tab header text.
I can’t find any method to get width for a tab and set it to: width = width +20 or something else.
I just did a workaround with:
dhxtabbar.addTab(tabid,tabtext+" “,”*");
But now the blank is over the button and you can’t really close it without searching a point you can click on and hit the button.
Any solutions?
the fixed dhtmlxtabbar.js is attached. Please, try to use it instead of the original one
dhtmlxtabbar.zip (11.3 KB)
We are using the “all-in-one” Pro version dhtml.js.
An updated version was sent to me some days ago.
Is there an update for this version, too?
the dhtmlx.js will be sent by email.
Thanks, is working fine and looking better now!