dhtmlxTree and contextMenu question

Hi, I use dhtmlxTree with contextMenu and works fine :slight_smile:

But I have a question:

Is posible to get a context menu checked option depending of userData value of the xTree node?

Now I change a userData with the contextMenu but I want to view the selected userData in this men�.

It’s possible?

Thanks for all

Kind Regards

�lex Corretg�

You can attach custom code to onShow event of menu and update menu dynamically based on current node ( or its userdata )

    //id of item for which menu will be opened

Is possible to set a img src?

Now I have this function

               if(opcio = punterTreeAssoc[‘objA’].getUserData(treeitemId,‘simple_acl’))
                   objAMenu.menu.getItem(opcio).setText(’* ’ + opcio);                           

To reset the old setText actions I need to re-process all menu items?

well I supose that I make a lot of work-arrounds to get the ‘Selected item’ menu functionality  :slight_smile:

Is possible to set a img src?
There is no API, but can be done as
     aMenu.menu.getItem(“some”).imageTag.src=“new url”;

>>well I supose that I make a lot of work-arrounds to get the ‘Selected item’ menu functionality  :slight_smile:
Actually to make menu specific for selected item - it is a too complex approach.
    dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxG … 3423305000

You can create a set of necessary items in menu, and just use
to make it actual for currently selected item.