dhtmlxtree throbber meanwhile XML is loading


it’s possible to display an throbber image in

meanwhile XML is loading

section contains an image, it’s not replaced when XML ends loading !!! it’s added

thanks in advance


please, check that xml is correct - try to open it in browser.

Probably you have placed html element incorrectly.

The correct ways are:

<item text="<div>Item text here</div>" …>

the following approach can be used only with the PRO edition

<item id="…" …><![CDATA[

Item text here

Hi again !

My problem isn’t in the XML file. It’s on HTML page
I paste my main code:


When XML finished to load, the throbber picture doesn’t disappear.
The “tree2Box” element still contains throbber, in addition to XML parsed file. I attach an image

Thanks again, Lluís


>> When XML finished to load, the throbber picture doesn’t disappear.

tree doesn’t remove elements itself. So, you should use own approach to hide or remove unnecessary elements on your page.