dhtmlxTreeGrid cell image change

I want to be able to customize a “tree” type eXcell, to set the image to an image of my choice. I also , want to be able to remove the image completely, if needed.
Is there an API to achieve this ?

I want to be able to customize a “tree” type eXcell, to set the image to an image of my choice

  1. You should specify path to the folder which will have necessary images
  2. You can use “image” attribute of the tag to change default image name

want to be able to remove the image completely, if needed.
It impossible in TreeGrid

I need to do loading and customization through javascript. Is there a javascript API for images?

You can use setItemImage(rowId,url) method
docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … titemimage