dhtmlxTreeView v5.1 does not work on Internet Explorer

dhtmlxTreeView v5.1 does not work on Internet Explorer.
please see the below script .

<script src="./js/dhtmlxtreeview.js"></script>
<script src="js/common.js"></script>
<script src="js/script.js"></script>
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="//html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script>
 var myGrid,myTree;
       function doOnLoad(){
          myTree = new dhtmlXTreeView("tree");
          myTree.loadStruct("./js/data.xml");    //case1. <-- perfectly work
         //myTree.loadStruct("/admin/dept/deptTreeXml.do?selectedDept=6110000");   //case2. <-- doesn't work


case1 is linked just xml file on WAS.
case2 is made in Spring Controller’s @ResponseBody with String type on WAS. it also work on chrome, firefox except ie.

ie deveplopment mode pointed the below script. see the //*** point
if (h == true) {
m.onreadystatechange = function() {
if ((m.readyState == 4) || (i == true && m.readyState == 3)) {
if (m.status != 200 || m.responseText == “”) { //***<-- SCRIPT58734: system error : -1072896658.dhtmlxtreeview.js (834,7)
if (!dhx4.callEvent(“onAjaxError”, [ {
xmlDoc : m,
filePath : c,
async : h
} ])) {

//***It is error position.

prease help me.~ bro.!!

Pleas,e check the content-type of your generated xml. It should be:
Content-Type: text/xml;

If the problem still occurs for you please, provide a demo link, where the problem can be reconstructed.