dhtmlxwindows modality & safari faults

Two problems with the standard release of dhtmlXwindows:

1) Sometimes does not work in Safari - don’t know exactly what the problem is, but the dhtmlxwindows.js in win_sample.zip in item dhtmlx.com/docs/products/kb/inde … e=1&q=3555 fixes it.

2) Also a problem with modal window not being modal to the whole page in standard version, dhtmlXwindows.css in the above win_sample.zip NEARLY fixes it, except div.dhx_modal_cover_dv should have filter: alpha(opacity=50); not 0.5 for MSIE.



  1. Sometimes does not work in Safari - don’t know exactly what the problem is
    Most probably caused by default font settings, we will include mentioned fix in next release of dhtmlxwindows

    >>2) Also a problem with modal window not being modal to the whole page
    Thanks for your remark. The issue already fixed in dev. code and will be included as part of next release.