dhx.ajax not work with geckofx

I would use dhx.ajax in a geckofx webbrowser

in my index.php I wrote this code:
var loader = dhx.ajax().sync().post(“test.php”, “”, {
success: function (text, xml, XmlHttpRequest) { alert(text); },
error: function (text, xml, XmlHttpRequest) { alert(‘error’); }

And this is the code of test.php:

<?php echo "return of test.php"; ?>

when i load index.php, i get successfully the result in IE 11, Firefox 32, Chrome, but nothing in geckofx webbroser.

How use ajax in geckofx webbrowser?


It is very specific issue. We have never worked with geckofx component. So, unfortunately we can not provide a ready solution.
Try to use different solution for Ajax that will work in your application. And if you need to load data into Touch components (like lists for example), you can use parse() method to load ready json object.