I’m trying to get the ‘dhx_cal_select_menu’ show in Timeline View. Currently it will only show in ‘Day’ and ‘Week’. Has anybody been able to get this to work?
Unfortunately it will not work, this menu is limited to day and week views only
Can it not be implemented into the timeline view somehow? Otherwise the timeline does not work on tablet views (due to double clicking)
Please PM me your contact email - while it is not official released yet, we have version with improved touch support, which correctly react on double-tap or long-tap ( configurable ) in all views.
One year passed since this post. Are there news about implementing dhx_cal_select_menu or similar in timeline views?
Check the ‘Quick Info’ extension, it’s been designed for touch devices and works with all views
docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/touch_ … oextension
docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/sample … ch_ui.html
Thx, that’s an option. But is it not planned to implement the standard scheduler buttons to the timeline view? I don’t need big buttons, and the quick info extension shows a little window with repeated information I’m not interested on.
And… is it possible to add/modify the buttons from the quick info extension pop-up? Fore example, removing the Delete button and adding a personalized one?
Both quick-info and side menu are using the same configuration
docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api__s … onfig.html
Ok, nice! Maybe it could be useful to mention that on docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/touch_ … oextension.