dhx.notice problem

I submit a form trigger Form_Save。

var Form_Save = function(){  
            delay: 1000,
            css: "sys-msg",
            top: 200,
            message: "Submit..."
            url, {
                "text": $$("W_text").getValue()
            function(text, xml) {
                 var data = dhx.DataDriver.json.toObject(text, xml);
                 if (data.results == "ok") {
                             delay: 1000,
                             css: "sys-msg",
                             top: 200,
                             message: "Submit OK!"

Sometimes the two notice will overlap,I hope that the notice only show。
When data.results == “ok” auto-hide the front notice?
How do I set, Alexandra?

If the “Submit…” notice is displayed when “Submit OK!” notice appears, the latter will have the top position calculated like so:
[own “top” config] + [another notice “top” config]+ [another notice height]

You may try to use the following approach to display “Submit OK!” notice over “Submit…”:

[code]if (data.results == “ok”) {
var nodes = document.body.childNodes;
var top = 200;

     for (var i=0; i< nodes.length;i++) {
          if (nodes[i].className&& nodes[i].className.indexOf("dhx_notice")!=-1) {
                top -= nodes[i].offsetTop+nodes[i].offsetHeight;
           delay: 1000,
           css: "sys-msg",
           top: top,
           message: "Submit OK!"


Tks Alexandra.
Finally, I use jQuery to solve this problem.

if (data.results == "ok") {
  if( $(".sys-msg")[0]) $(".sys-msg").remove();
         delay: 1000,
         css: "sys-msg",
         top: 200,
         message: "Submit OK!"