dhxCalendar problem


I am using dhxCalendar(grid.setColTypes(dhxCalenar)) in my page for displaying a calendar.
I click on the calendar for the first time and select some date. But when i click on the calendar the second time, it shows the next month  instead of the month which i selected previously.

Can someone help on this??

We cant repeat this problem locally. What version of dhtmxGrid and dhtmlxCalendar do you use? Please provide example where this issue occurs on the support@dhtmlx.com

v.1.5 build 80319-dhtmlxGrid.js
v.1.0 build 80319-dhtmlxCalendar.js

You can update dhtmlxcalendar.js to latest one (use dhtmlxcalendar 2.0 from dhtmlx.com ) , the API of calendar is backward compatible, so you will be able to use it with old version of dhtmlxGrid.