dhxTree loadJSONObject ERROR :xml refers to not existing pa

dhxTree loadJSONObject ERROR : ERROR type: datastructure description: xml refers to not existing parent!

my index.html like this


AND json url return is (contains chinese character)

{"id":0,"item":[{"id":1,"text":"\u6536\u4ef6\u7bb1 (10)"},{"id":2,"text":"\u53d1\u4ef6\u7bb1 (0)"},{"id":3,"text":" (0)"},{"id":4,"text":"\u6d88\u606f\u603b\u6570 (1751)"},{"id":5,"text":"\u5df2\u6807\u8bb0\u4fe1\u606f (2)"}]}

can anyone help me this problem? thanks!

I got the reason .

In ajax ,http server returned a string, is not a json object.

use this method to change item.

$.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "<?=$this->config->site_url()?>/ebay/summary", data: "", success: function(msg){ treeData=eval('('+msg+')'); dhxTree.loadJSONObject(treeData,tree_progress_off(dhxLayout.cells("a"))); } });

You may use eval() JS function to create an object. Sample is attached
02.zip (42.3 KB)

thank you !