If the month scale is added, everything looks fine with the FQ moved one month to the right.
But if the month scale is removed, the FQ scale is not 1/3 to the right of the Q scale as expected.
Instead the FQ scale is slowly growing in size.
Is this a calculation problem on my side or is the library doing some strange things?
Gantt stretches the scale cells to fit the available width. There is a way to set minimal width, but there is no way to set the exact or maximal width. It is expected behavior.
Right now, if you have the small container size, the month scale cells will try to have the same size as the quarter scale in another snippet:
It is okay, that the month column has the same size as the quarter column.
The problem is the size behaviour of the FQ columns.
As seen on the bottom part of your screenshot the FQ4 column is at the begining nearly the same width as the Q4 column beneath it.
The following columns FQ1, FQ2 … slowly grow in size and thus are moved to the right.
Because the FQ columns is moved 1 month to the right, I want that the FQ columns are 1/3 to the right of the Q columns. As seen an my drawing
Actually, columns shouldn’t grow in size. It is expected that most left and right cells are smaller than other cells. But other cells should have the exact or almost exact size. As the fiscal quarter starts from the different months, it is shifted to the right side.
However, I found that the position of the scale cells is not correct. In the following snippet, I added the month value to the scales. The 06th month shouldn’t start almost right after the 04th month, as well as the 03rd month almost the same time as the 01st: https://snippet.dhtmlx.com/5/ad448a57c
It is a bug in Gantt. The dev team will fix it in the future, but I cannot give you any ETA.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a workaround other than adding the month scale.
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