Different heights for different events in timeline view

Hello, is there a way to set the height for an event (specific event) in a timeline view for the scheduler.
I was able to set the height in the css class dhx_cal_event_line but the position of the other events are not calculated acordinly to this height so the overlap.


Any way of doing this??


Hello @cesar.smerling ,

Unfortunately, currently there is no config that allows to define height for specific event. This functionality stays in future plans, but there is no any ETA when it may be implemented.

If this functionality is crucial for you, it can be implemented by our outsource team as custom feature(what will require additional fee), or you check out the Gantt component that allows to set height for specific rows:

Best regards,

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This is a really important feature (blocking point) for us.
Ist there still not an ETA.
