Different week start day causes problems


I have to implement the scheduler for an arabic school and their week starts on Saturday.
I was able to get it to work for the week view, but now i recognized that the “forward & backward arrows” are not working correcty.

For first, I would like to know if I did it correct, by using the following for initialization:

		scheduler.config.start_on_monday			= false;
		scheduler.date.week_start = function(date){
		    return scheduler.date.add(date, 5, "day");	

By clicking forward it goes 12 days forward.
Clicking backwards it goes 2 days back.

Is it a bug or is there something I could do about it?


Your are going in correct direction, but above code do not produce valid result. It must look similar to next

scheduler.date.week_start = function(date){ var shift=date.getDay(); if (shift >= 5) shift-=5; else shift+=2; return this.date_part(this.add(date,-1*shift,"day")); }

week_start method must convert any date to nearest saturday

Thank you very much for that information!
Now it´s working like a charm.

if the start day is a variable say var weekstart = 4(thursday), then how this function should look like ?

Something like that:

scheduler.date.week_start = function(date){
      var shift=date.getDay();
                if (shift >= 4) shift-=4;
      else shift+=3;
      return this.date_part(this.add(date,-1*shift,"day"));