disable day week view edit option

in day n week view user can edit event or delete event. i want to disable that cuz i have disabled edit occurrence functionality from lightbox bt still user can edit event from day and week view. how do achieve this ?
any suggestions ?

you can ‘edit’ button from event selection menu: scheduler.config.icons_select = ["icon_details"];
docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api__s … onfig.html

Also, you can block drag-n-drop actions by using onBeforeDrag handler ( you can check event id, and return false if event in question must not be changed )

still event name is editable i want to disable that also

i want to completely remove that icon bar, appears when user click on event


to edit or change dynamically icon bar:
docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/custom … _bars.html

to remove:
docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api__s … onfig.html