disable div horizontal scrolling

I am creating a grid from an html table. If the width of the grid content exceeds the width of the browser window, the gridbox div gets horizontal scrollbars. I want it to so the grid extends off the browser, and the only scrollbars that appear are the browser scrollbars… is this possible?

If the width of the grid content exceeds the width of the browser window, the gridbox div gets horizontal scrollbars

Scroll can appear only if a total width of all  grid columns is bigger than  a width of grid’s container. In the other case only browser’s scroll should appear.

Please, contact us directly at support@dhtmlx.com - and provide a sample where the problem can be reconstructed.

When creating grid from HTML table , grid takes default table width on moment of initialization, so if it was wide - the result grid will be wide as well, you can try to add hardcoded width to table tag

<table gridWidth=“300”     //<= if such attribute present, grid will use it instead of actual grid width