I want to disable task tooltip show when the lightbox is displayed.
For example, if I doble click on a task, the lightbox is displayed, but the tooltip is displayed on background of the lightbox also. How to I disable the tooltip when lightbox is displayed?
There is no built-in feature like cancelOpen or cancelTimeout.
As a workaround, you can override the show method of the tooltip extension - have some flag variable which you’ll use to tell that the tooltip shouldn’t be shown. Then you can set that flag from onLigtbox event in order to prevent the tooltip from showing after the delay.
Demo: http://snippet.dhtmlx.com/ced869a7a
Hello Adriano,
The dev team fixed the issue with the tooltip.
Now, Gantt hides it when you open the lightbox.
Here is the snippet where you can check how it works: https://snippet.dhtmlx.com/213adecc7
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